What You Need to Know About PCOS and Endometriosis

What You Need to Know About PCOS and Endometriosis

PCOS and endometriosis are reproductive issues, but they differ in cause and symptoms. PCOS is linked to hormonal imbalances and causes irregular periods, excess androgen symptoms, and weight gain. PCOS has spectrum of symptoms and is a metabolic issue. Instead of...
Common Questions About Menopause

Common Questions About Menopause

As we approach 2030, the number of menopausal and postmenopausal women worldwide is set to reach an astounding 1.2 billion, with 47 million women entering this stage each year. It’s time we shift our perspective and enhance our understanding and support for this...
Common Questions About Perimenopause

Common Questions About Perimenopause

Did you know by 2030, the world population of menopausal and postmenopausal women is projected to increase to 1.2 billion, with 47 million new entrants every year? We need a sociocultural shift in treatment and awareness.  If you are entering your late 30s or...
How to Reduce the Chaos of Perimenopause

How to Reduce the Chaos of Perimenopause

If you are entering your 40s, chances are you may be experiencing the early stages of perimenopause. You are not imagining things; something is changing in your body. This change is not a singular event but a sequence of events. Fortunately, these changes are...
The Big E Word: Estrogen

The Big E Word: Estrogen

Estrogen is a BIG word in women’s health. We tend to be afraid of estrogen because of the elevated risk of cancer that could happen downstream.Estrogen is a hormone that is produced by both men and women. Estrogen (and progesterone) are produced...